Fitness is more than just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle for most of us and it can become a huge part of our lives. If you want to take your fitness one step further and use it to further your own career, there’s a lot at stake and a lot of competition to consider. We’ve listed some of the top qualities you’ll need to have if you want your fitness business to be successful this year.


Starting any business for the first time will take a lot of work and a lot of time, and often you will spend a huge chunk of your time waiting for it to get off the ground and find its place in the world. It’s important to be patient when running a business because you will likely have to wait a while to get things totally off the ground and ready for action.


As a fitness guru or leader, it is incredibly important for you to have Pride in what you do and pride in your body too. A fitness business is one which is solely built upon your own body and the things you can do with it. Because of this it is incredibly important to look after yourself and take care in everything you do. You will want to use good standard products, and if you plan to sell anything make sure it is of the best quality. Your business runs on the reputation you have so be sure to take pride in it. 


If you plan to ask people to follow your advice and completely trust you, you need to show that you have true passion for what you do, both with your body and in your business. If you don’t demonstrate how truly passionate about what you do, people won’t be willing to spend their time or money on you. Make sure to show passion in everything that you do and your followers will be more than happy to share your journey with you as a result. 


Having core members and regulars is always a plus for a personal trainer. They’re the people who can help you gain new clients just by word of mouth. But if your marketing only caters to their level of experience and understanding of your business, you run the risk of deterring new, less-experienced visitors from purchasing your services. Create a brand voice that’s welcoming to all, regardless of their fitness levels. You can be a business that’s serious about fitness without being intimidating.

This also applies to gender — you don’t want to find yourself struggling to bring in new members because you’ve only been targeting one. Whether it’s cycling, yoga, boot camp classes or weight training, inclusivity is key.


As someone who is putting themselves out as a new brand and a public figure, you will need to have a lot of endurance to deal with the stresses of running your own empire and being your own boss. You need to really work hard to be the best you can be but also give yourself some down time to rest and refresh for the next day or the next week. Running an empire takes a lot of hard work, so you need to be dedicated so you can stay fit both mentally and physically.

Mental Strength

Speaking on mental health, as soon as you put yourself out in the world and show your body off to the public, you will be likely to end up with some negativity and maybe even a few insults. Not everyone will like you and you just have to do the best you can with the people who do. Don’t let strangers get to you and wear you down because this can be damaging to you and your future.


Whether you are running a business online or helping people to get fit in person, it is likely that everyone you meet will be less fit and able than you. It is so important for you to be patient with newcomers and understand that not everyone will be able to lift as much as you or run as far or fast. Show compassion to people and know that different people might need a slower pace to get into the same fitness level as someone else. 



As well as being compassionate you need to be a kind soul to work as a fitness instructor or leader. The way you live your life and show off to others is what creates your brand and people will want to be able to learn how to be like you in their own life. Make sure that you show kindness to questions you receive and even if you get stupid questions. Realize that they are coming from people who truly believe in you and what you are doing. This will help you build a bond with your followers and build a community of love and happiness.